(918) 928-4545

Costumes, Candy, & Cauldrons!

Halloween is almost here so be on the lookout for those little ghosts and goblins roaming neighborhood.

If you’re kids are like most they are so excited at the prospect of free candy, which means they are likely to forgot all those rules you’ve worked so hard to teach them over the years. You know the ones we’re talking about…looking both ways when crossing the street, staying with mom or dad.HalloweenBlue

So please use extra caution when driving this week as Halloween approaches and follow these simple tips to help keep your kids out of harm’s way.

  • Avoid masks that impair your child’s vision.
  • Have your child carry a flashlight or glowstick.
  • Remind younger children to stay with you.
  • Don’t let your child walk between cars when crossing the street.
  • Put cell phones away while you’re out trick-or-treating so you’re not distracted.

Thanks for taking extra care this this week to make sure our little goblins have a safe and happy Halloween.

HomeTown Insurance – Keith Tew Agency
(918) 928-4545