Halloween is almost here so be on the lookout for those little ghosts and goblins roaming neighborhood. If you’re kids are like most they are so excited at the prospect of free candy, which means they are likely to forgot all those rules you’ve worked so hard to teach...
Did you know today is National Boss’s Day! Go ahead and celebrate by letting your boss know how much you appreciate him! National Boss day all began when a secretary at an insurance company wanting to show appreciation for her boss. So she came up with the...
We know how to correctly insure, not only your motorcycle, but everything in between. Motorcycles have come a long way. Today we see everything from custom equipment, to specialized gear, and even pull behinds. We know how to correctly insure, not only your...
Having your kids mow the grass can be extremely helpful, while also teaching them responsibility. However, make sure to equip them with these safety tips beforehand. What to teach your child Your child needs to be aware of the dangers of lawn mowers. Before your child...