(918) 928-4545

Owasso Insurance | About Us


Owasso Insurance with the best price and value. That’s great to see what you can do with our insurance company where Owasso highest rated the most recent insurance agent. You can find out about it online. We have a video showcasing our expertise. Make sure we understand how hard-working our team is. What about Kieth too? If you ever met Kieth, you know he’s always quick with a smile, maybe a joke and ready for a friendly handshake or a hug. He received his associates from Northeastern, Oklahoma and pre-engineering and his bachelor’s degree from MSU and business administration.

In 2019 Kieth moved to Owasso. For many years, Kieth was in the auto industry Selling vehicles, then working as a finance manager. He always wanted to own his own business and be able to help people so what Kieth did was excel at helping people. Kieth cares about people like people in their eyes and focuses on touching a heart before us for a hand. Owasso Insurance It’s great to see what Kieth can do when he works to see your company. He’s always wanted to own his own business and be able to help people. So in 2017 he made the move to State Farm. Out of all the different companies who chose State Farm.

Why did he choose State Farm? State Farm generally has the best interest of their customers of mine and they explained the insurance policy And they do a lot more. The script to see what you can do with an insurance agency. Will help you celebrate five years and we’ll keep moving. Our hometown insurance looks like it is based on 52 agents and producers. Insurance industry is really important. We wanna make sure that you have a lot of resources for the insurance industry. Experience why or the top 30 insurance companies to find the best programs for a client. What can Kieth offer?

Kieth can offer a lot of no-brainer offers to the clients for what Kieth right? Kieth can write home auto boat, RV commercial and life insurance policies outside of the office. Kieth is very involved in the Owosso community, is the member of a wall of chamber of commerce and the past chair of the Ambassador group. He previously served on the Warsaw education foundation board of trustees. A member of the charter council in the past, he coached his son‘s basketball team and currently coaches his daughters soccer team.

He’s actively involved in the community. support to see how we provide excellent service. We really strive and focus on customer centric goals. What type of excellent service do you provide or provide personal insurance? It’s great to see what you can do when you experience our car insurance. homeowners love life. We have access to a wide range of options for customers.
Check us out at https://insurewithkeith.com/ and give us a call at 918-928-4545 for Owasso Insurance.

Owasso Insurance | Life Insurance

Life insurance is available in Owasso Insurance. It’s great to see what you can do when you experience our company life insurance services. Life insurance can be used as a cornerstone of a solid financial plan. It can be hands-down the most cost-effective way to protect the people who depend on you financially. We have a variety of coverages that help you fit your needs. What about life insurance in regards to commercial and personal? You need life insurance for dependence. If you have a dependent such as a spouse or children, then you would need to consider life insurance. Something to happen to you who is gonna help them financially?

As your life changes your life insurance coverage may need to change and we can help you walk through these situations. Some life changes that may require a reassessment of the life insurance policy can include being married or divorce. Owasso Insurance If you have a new child or grandchild. Your spouse’s health has deteriorated. What about your health or your spouse’s health? What is the status of your current health and your spouse’s health? You are providing care for financial assistance to appear. Your child or grandchild requires assistance or long-term care.

You recently purchased a new home you’re planning for a child or grandchild education. What about if you’re concerned about retirement income? What about you for financing your home mortgage in the past six months? What about a few of your spouses who recently reviewed an inheritance? These are all things to consider if you want to reevaluate your life insurance. There are several different types of life insurance available. We have personal insurance whether there be car insurance, homeowners flood, white other variety companies that you can get a quote from. We wanna make sure you have a lot of options and know what’s available for you and your family. And you know what’s best for you.

Our job is to make sure we provide the information for you. We focus on expertise. I want you to compare rates we can show the race. Compare you from the news to see what’s the best services we provide for a commercial or a business no matter how large or small businesses have a proper business insurance coverage, a serious business on your current policy to ensure that you are currently properly covered. We can help you in a lot of different ways so we’re not just exclusively for life insurance where you have to lift out your health statuses and where you work and determine how long you’re going to live.

We want you to get in the news and we’re constantly hiring because we have a lot of people to help in our community. We want you to be a part of it. Whether it be your car insurance Have access to insurance companies to meet your individualized specific needs. It’s great to see what you can do when you start the conversation with us and review our news articles to see if they are a good fit for you. Today, check us out at https://insurewithkeith.com/ and give us a call at 918-928-4545 for Owasso Insurance.