(918) 928-4545

Valuables Insurance

If you own valuables, rare or irreplaceable items, such as collectibles or antiques, you may prefer the comprehensive protection offered by the Personal Articles Floater.

In case of a covered loss, this specialized coverage allows you to recover the value of an item (based on a recent appraisal or bill of sale).  This policy provides coverage for Jewelry and Fine Arts at an amount you and your insurance company agree upon.  For other items, the policy provides either actual cash value, cost to repair, cost to replace or up to the insured amount, depending on what happens to the item and its current value.

The Personal Articles Floater is the right policy for people who have carefully selected and invested in items with values exceeding the limits of a homeowners policy.

Common items that should be insured on a Personal Articles Policy include Coin Collections, Antiques, Stamp Collections, Furs, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Firearms, and other unique or valuable personal property.

How to get started with your insurance quotes

Insure with Keith makes the process of finding the best company and price easy.  To get started, call our office directly, or complete our Request for Quote. We’ll get started on your policy review and comparison!